Sunday 16 March 2014

20. Summary of the trades (March 3rd, 2014 - March 15th, 2014)


It's time for the next summary of all transactions placed on my blog over the last two weeks.

They were an amazing two weeks in which there was higher volatility than the standard average. There were many opportunities for rapid earnings but unfortunately at the expense of starting the war between Russia and Ukraine. Unfortunately, it is difficult to predict the outcome of this conflict. One thing is clear, it certainly will not bring any Member of added value. And probably killed many innocent people.

Here is an overview of all transactions.

In accordance with the investment policy of which I have often mentioned. With the onset of the weekend I decided to close all transactions. With the exception of the two transactions. Gold and USD/JPY.

Why ? already I hurry with an explanation

The main reason for that are closed all transactions is the inability to react to the events that will be shown during the weekend. Therefore markets may open up a large gap which is not always desirable effect.

Stay open two transactions in GOLD and USD/JPY was supported by exactly four arguments.

1) already earned a large profit on these transactions (far from the levels of trades);
2) historically low probability of large gaps at the opening (in contrast to the stock market or EUR/USD);
3) small size scales, the transaction compared to the size of the portfolio;
4) last argument, more speculative - rather expected bad news than good during the weekend.

Summary of trades

Descriptions of all transactions can be found by clicking the links given above.

I realize that sometimes it is hard to explain the reasons for which are bought or sold some transactions, so if while reading my entries you would like to ask a question or leave a comment. It would be very nice.

best regards,
oscarjp chrimatistikos

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